Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sunday - February 6, 2011 (update)

It was a beautiful day on the lake today! Too bad the Superbowl got in the way. Roger Arnold took first place in the experienced class with a minus 2 and Kenny Cooper to first in the inexperienced with a -3.

We had 5 new folks out today! Thanks everybody. I hope you had a great time!


  1. Hello, I'd like to get an idea of what type of clothing you're wearing while out sailing during the winter months. Being from Southern California I never had a need for cold weather gear. Also, what's a good time to show up on Sunday for race prep. Thanks in advance and I look forward to this weekends racing.

  2. It looks like it's going to a great February day tomorrow... better than in Dallas perhaps. ;)

  3. Layers are the order of the day! The wind chill going upwind is much more noticeable in the winter. Head gear is mandatory, as are gloves. Above 40, a solid ball cap and sailing gloves seem to work well for me. I was comfortable last weekend with a sweat shirt and my lined jacket unzipped most of the time. With the temps about 10 degrees cooler predicted this week, I'll dress the same, but my jacket will be kept zipped up most of the time. I'll wear socks. ;)

    We gather around 1:00 and had a skipper's meeting around 1:30, after getting folks lined up with boats. This caused the start to be at 2:12. I really want to be on time this week so we can have a nice race, and then get to our favorite Superbowl parties.

  4. Photogger -- It was around freezing with some flurries for the Kamikazi this year; I think I was in two layers below and about five above plus a winter hat, which was fine. One big difference you'll notice compared to ocean sailing is that there isn't a huge temperature drop out on the water. In Southern Cal it might be 85 in Santa Ana but 75 on the water; here, not so much.

  5. I should add: it was also blowing 15+ during the Kamikazi.
